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Soul Flower Work

Transforming the Emotional Body with Flower Essence Therapy

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Flowers are the balm for the soul. What area of your life would you like to LIVE more fully self aware and expressed. They remind us of how to do that. Live out your inner natural beauty and significance. They smooth and soothe our emotional landscape. First step is a 45 min session. Intake and intentional healing aims.

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This is where I work based on my intuition, yours, and flowers. I alchemize every blend. This elixir is made with your unique situation in mind, heart, and soul. The blend will work with you to embody the energy and magnificence of the beauty of flowers. Your inner landscape will bloom in the areas of your life that you desire. Feel natural, fully accepted, and expansive.

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Watch your life transform with soul flower power work. I refer to flower essences as affirmations in a bottle. You ingest them and they know exactly what areas of your life to affirm on a soul level. Book now and L.E.T. Soulwork with you.

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